The reasons behind our new brand


Couple of weeks ago we launched our new brand, in this article I'm going to tell you a bit about why we did it and some of the ideas behind it.

A new way of communicating

At first sight it might look like we just updated our logo, but there is so much more thoughts behind the new brand. It is our identity, the way we express ourselves. Being proud and confident, giving the person who sees Biila a positive feeling. We even changed the way we write our texts, we want to be consistent in the way we do things. Design is often more about restrictions and removing the freedom for a good result!

Some alternatives we thought of was stock photos, 3D-graphics or professional photos. We wanted something personal but at the same time not too complicated. There was a middle-way which worked perfectly for us. We decided to use images of Biila people combined with our own graphics.

Bring the colors to life

We already had defined color palettes, but they were a bit depressing somehow. We turned on the sun and gave our colors some life. After some internal research we heard that our brand feels half-finished, the logo also had some functional problems so we had strong reasons to create our new brand.


One keyword in the new brand is Genuine, because of this we asked our real drivers if they wanted to be models for us. In general we wanted our communication to be more human-to-human instead of machine-to-human. When a visitor ends up on one of Biilas pages there should be a human welcoming you.

Hand made illustrations

After trying couple of different styles we found out that we really liked a style which was not perfect. We fell in love with funky circles and weird lines. Each icon is unique and the SVG-format makes them scalable without loosing quality.

Design happens all the time

We design new things all the time, avoiding design is impossible, and we wanted to be consistent in the way we do things, so we made a PDF with the guidelines for how to use our brand, you can read it here:

Biila Visual Communication (pdf)

Graphic Designer

Onni Laurila